Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Y'Know What I Hate? The Occupy Movement.

Y'know What I Hate? The Occupy Movement.

I'm sorry, but I love consumerism. I love buying things I don't need. Shit. I love buying things I don't want or even like because I know someone else does and for whatever reason befalling them - they can't have it.. And the more I spend on it, the more validated I feel at he end of the day.

I constantly have people telling me that I don't need these things.
You really know me, huh? You know what's best for me?
You can tell me more about me than I can?

If material objects help someone feel better about themselves, is that not in turn then a good thing? Would you not rather spend $10,000 a year and have 100 new pairs of Nikes than have liver damage from the 250gm a day diet of Xanax that it takes you to refrain from leaping off a bridge otherwise?
People tell you to save your money to buy property. Invest in your future!
Property right now is a total buyers market at this point where as a pair of Jordan's will just gain value as more and more Dogs get to them and spiteful ex-girlfriends give them to the Salvation Army. Hence diminishing the supply and increasing the demand.
Consumerism boosts the economy. Sure. It's the Chinese and Mexican economies for the most part but white people have had their turn. Share the jobs around a little bit.

Brand identity really helps you define what kind of person you are. Is this me stereotyping you?
No. It's not something I'm deciding about you based on your weight, race, gender or age. Something you can't change.
It's something you have decided to identify yourself with. A sect. A subculture.
I have tattoos on my knuckles which always makes gaining employment an issue as people tend to believe that by virtue of said tattoos, I am in fact unemployable because tattoos are seem as taboo. The people that have them are dangerous, untrustworthy and scary.
This was something I was well aware of at the time I got them done, and I don't regret them for a minute. It was something I put myself in the line of fire for because I felt the juice was worth the squeeze and wanted to make a statement. Because people know that I'm not a criminal just because I have tattoos (I've been a criminal since I was about 4 and I have the Magic the Gathering trading cards to prove it).

I'm writing this on an iPad that I have no discernible reason to have purchased other than that I wanted it at the time. I have iPods an iPhone and a laptop already. Why did I get this object? Who fucking cares? Do I like it? Yes. Do I feel better? Yes. Is it practical? Irrelevant.

I constantly hear the argument that I wouldn't want these things because I've been conditioned to want flashy items by the mass media with its all encompassing ploy to zombify the populace with blah blah blah...

Ok. Brass tacks. No matter how left of centre your thought process or political leanings may be, you want to fuck, right? That's one thing all people- gay, straight or priest have in common. We just all want to do it differently.
Taking this in to account how ever, do you not feel like this overwhelming desire to procreate is based around conditioning by the same mass media that told me that these Levi's are better than the brand that has less marketing appeal or stretch?


Really? A bunch of people did it, some others saw them do it so they then did it, some more then joined in in the bandwagon because they saw the others enjoyed it and felt fulfilled, then a whole lot of people had heard some good reviews, so they tried it and by this point everyone else was doing it and the ones that weren't were embarrassed so they started in on it too..

That to me sounds like that they've been conditioned to feel like they need to do it after years of cinema exposure, billboards, music and peer pressure. That this is what is best for them. Not unlike this BAPE tee of mine.

Other people will say they want to have sex because it feels good.. What is good?
We as a global community of human beings define what is good ourselves.
I personally think Jackson Pollock's work looks like an ADHD kid and Michael J Fox were hung upside with several cans of paint above a canvas, but that's just me. Other people think they are pieces of art that belong in the Louvre.

People blame this conditioning on a mysterious underground organisation that control us all and direct our lives like billionaire puppet masters. First thing people, take some responsibility for yourself. I finally did and I've felt better about other people's perception of me than I have in years.
If you're not part of the small percentage of people that are making billions per year as a CEO at a Fortune 500 company, instead of sitting around accusing these people of creating unemployment, pack away the bong and do something to get to there playing field instead of sitting in the middle of the road and fucking up the public transport for the rest of us that are trying to do just that. Fuck.

This perpetual paranoia is detrimental to people's well being. 
There is no Illuminati. If this people existed, why are they doing this? If we live in a truly totalitarian society they already have 99% of the worlds wealth, the make 99% of the shit we buy with our money and the own 99% of the shops that sell them and 100% of the banks that lend to the business and media outlets that advertise to us. 
They can do whatever they want. Money is no object at this point to these people.
I mean, they print the fucking money!!
Why not tell us we're their bitch? Wouldn't that be the end game? The only possible win they can get out of all of it. Ego boost and status superiority.
What benefit is there to this society being secretive?
And since when is wearing platinum and diamond jewellery, decked out in Louis Vuitton and cruising around in a Maybach intuitive of a covert organisation?
That's akin to a Cold War KGB operative trying to sneak in to the Pentagon in a bright red "I love Mother Russia" t-shirt.
I say it's the homeless you have to watch out for, they're the ones playing it coy.
Matter of fact the vast majority of the occupy movement are dressed like the homeless.
Almost like an extreme version of Undercover Boss's!

I've spent my whole life blaming others or my circumstance for my actions and its taken a long time to accept that and see the error in that and to see the world doing it now makes me terrified for the future of this planet.

Take control of your own destiny. The Illuminati is just a 21st century version of the devil. At this point the overwhelming majority of the world has wizened up to the fact that religion and god is a joke and now that Satan and God and his mysterious ways are no longer in play we need a new scapegoat to blame our misfortune or "bad karma" on. The Rockerfellers, Rupert Murdoch or Jay Z.

We are all shallow, egotistical and judgemental creatures. I just may be one of the only ones to admit. To outright tell you to your face that I don't give a fuck how you feel and that I legitimately thinking I'm better than you are.
Does this make me a bad person? Maybe. I don't think so though.
You know where you stand with people who take this approach.